Quick Start Guide
Not sure where to start?
We can point you in the right direction.
Find your starting point.
The GDI Playbook offers guidance to help make representation and inclusion core components of game development from the start. But even if you’re in production, now's the time to press pause, consider your existing content, and chart your decisions moving forward, adding depth to your character and narrative development.
What resources (e.g., time, funding, organizational support, team size) do you have to support designing games with inclusivity in mind?
If you have a small team/few resources:
Even with limited means, you can make positive shifts in representation. Check out our list of free, online resources on the Resources page for ideas.
If you need team and/or organizational support:
About the Playbook shares data supporting this work as good business sense!
If you have a company commitment and funding put toward this work:
With resources to prioritize this work, you can consider implementing some of the more resource-intensive guidance in the GDI Playbook, especially incorporating consulting and research from the start.
How are you currently incorporating inclusivity into your creative process?
If you’re just getting started:
​Explore the areas of the GDI Playbook, starting with Key 1: Craft Your Approach.
Familiarize yourself with inclusive representation concepts by flipping through some of the Core Concepts.
Read GDI’s gaming white paper, Changing the Narrative: Why Representation Matters in Video Games.
If you have a good basis:
You may want to pay particular attention to Key 4: Craft Connection and Key 5: Craft Belonging, which dive into some process and practice changes to make positive and lasting shifts in representation.